Top Ten Methods of Meditation for Children and Adults

meditation trainingHere at South County Child and Family Consultants, we provide holistic services to support your child’s mental flexibility and focus, reduce stress and support their well-being. Please visit our yoga and meditation training page to learn more, and enjoy the article below.

Top Ten Methods of Meditation (Article by Elizabeth Mullen, posted and shared via Coach University).

Readily recommended throughout the ages, meditation serves as our own personal fountain of peace. Whether studied or spontaneous, meditation fulfills our deepest need for serenity and self-knowledge. To follow are several classic routes to realization, remember, know the modality JUST enough to know thyself– then let the method fall away into the truth of your being…

1. Sitting
as in “just sitting.” Finding a comfortable position and resting therein for longer than you think you can.

2. Transcendental Meditation
TM has been practiced for ages, and can offer a sense of order to a chaotic mind.

3. Breath-work
Witnessing breathing for a given time, or making the breath flow a certain way, offers us opportunities to slide by an awfully big brain.

4. Loving-kindness
Meditation on specific emotions can illumine our eternal heart. Contemplating Gratitude, Faith, and Humility can do wonders for you and your worldly “team mates” too.

5. Guided
Making your body comfortable as you listen to teachers & tapes walk you through the levels and lands of your growing awareness. By nature of this modality alone, you can transform through Trust…

6. Walking
Who says your body must be still for your mind to become a minor player? Moving in rhythm can make your mind quickly hit the theta stride (in other words, oscillating in tandem to the vibration of creation).

7. Yoga
Or how about movement AND stillness for those of you who want to mix it up? From hatha yoga your body grows malleable, as does your mind– Increasing your flexibility offers you peace in surprises and a self-knowing that transcends discomfort.

8. Music
Listen loud, and listen long to sounds that truly inspire you… To whom exactly are those words sung? Where will that melody move you? After all, do we really need the “roadies” to soar to the stars?

9. Mantra
…can make your whole life a moving meditation. Meaning-filled words spoken or inner-whispered repeatedly, shift your experience. Mantra need not be granted or assigned, as we can personally choose what we want to exude. Why not choose a phrase and meditate today?

10. Chanting
Compelling sounds can make our bodies respond positively and our thinking quiet down. In this sound-creation space we hear only grace, and FEEL the movement of miracles within.


»» Learn more about  yoga and meditation training for children, teens, and families here.