Videos to Teach Parents and Kids about ADHD

423620507_da64fb39db1-325x490ADHD is the most common psychiatric diagnosis amongst children in 2015. Once a child is diagnosed with ADHD, parents often want to learn more about it for the benefit of their child. This may include information such as a general overview, common symptoms and possible treatment plans. Your child may also be curious about ADHD and want to understand ADHD at their own cognitive level. More often than not, parents have a hard time explaining what ADHD is to their child. Online videos about ADHD can be a valuable resource to watch with your kids! South County Child and Family Consultants (SCCFC) recommends the following videos to watch along with your kids to learn more about ADHD:

Jack and Jill Have ADHD : An animated short about Jack and Jill with ADHD. For kids, tweens and teens.

Flynn Pharma ADHD Explainer : A video that is meant to educate children on what ADHD is and the various symptoms of the disorder. For tweens and teens.

I have ADHD and I AM… : A video that showcases children and adults explaining who they really are with ADHD. For tweens, teens and adults.

March of the ADHD Penguins : A video about comedic penguins relating to ADHD. For tweens and teens.



Author: Arnold Kachittavong (senior at URI, psychology major)