Best ADHD Websites for Parents
Finding the best ADHD websites for parents can be challenging. Given that between 7-11% of kids in the US are being diagnosed with ADHD, there is an overwhelming amount of information available for parents of kids with ADHD. It is particularly important for parents of kids with ADHD to have reliable information on topics such as medications, 504 plans, working memory difficulties, executive functions, and innovative treatment for their child with ADHD. Check out the following list of the best ADHD websites for parents, updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants.
ImpactADHD: AA great site for parents of kids with ADHD. Many programs that provide direct coaching for parents on topics such as family relationships, communication, and behavior management.
ADHD Shared Focus: An excellent website about ADHD with materials for parents and caregivers.
National Institute of Mental Health: The National Institute of Mental Health website offers extensive information that addresses a number of questions parents and teachers might have about ADHD.
CHADD: A large ADHD organization that has many great resources.
ID Online: A site that provides basic information about ADHD, common treatments, legal rights, and useful intervention ideas for teachers and parents.
Help 4 ADHD: The National Resource Center for ADHD website, established through U.S. Center for Disease Control [CDC], answers FAQs, provides links to reliable websites, and provides opportunities to ask questions of specialists.
Mayo Clinic: The Mayo Clinic provides a good overall description of ADHD symptoms and connects this information to other health issues.
Kids Health: A website for teens with ADHD that includes a list of strategies for teens to employ in their own lives as well as books that they may be interested in reading.
WebMD: A comprehensive medical site with an expertise about medication for ADHD.