Working Memory Websites for Parents

person on computerThere are lots of great resources online to learn about working memory, including many great websites. We have put together a selection of some of the best websites on the Internet that include reliable information on learning about and improving working memory. Check out the links below, which are updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants.


LearningWorks for Kids: What Is Working Memory?: Defines working memory and explains how kids improve their working memory by playing video games, includes a explanatory video.

National Institutes of Health: Online article researches and explains the differences among long-term, short-term, and working memory in thorough, extensive detail.

Understood: Discusses five different ways children use working memory and why it is an important skill to use. Briefly explains ways that parents can help their children practice their working memory.

LearningWorks for Kids: Five Ways to Build Your Child’s Working Memory Skills: Explains five different methods to help your child practice and improve his working-memory skills.

ADHD and Working Memory: Discusses the connection between ADHD and working memory and how the two sometime overlap.

What is Working Memory? In-depth description of working memory that also contains videos and resources to help strengthen a child’s working memory.