Math Resources For Parents

holding mathThere are lots of great resources online to learn about improving math skills, and especially many great websites. Many kids willingly spend hours playing fun math video games and apps or engaging in math projects, but are reluctant to spend more than a few minutes with a math workbook. So, learn about some of the best ways to teach math and encourage your child to use mathematical thinking skills. We have put together a selection of some of the best pages on the Internet, with lots of information on learning about how to improve children’s math skills. Check out the links below, which are updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants.



Why Stem Is Important To Everyone: This is a great article that goes over the importance of STEM education. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Education, and Math. These are becoming extremely important skills to learn, and this article explains why (Hint: the job market). For parents.

Why Is Math So Important For Kids?: This article highlights the importance of teaching math to kids and making sure they really understand how useful it will be to them in life. For parents.

Why Math?Another article that explains the benefits of a great math education, including some of the jobs in which math is used in day to day life. For parents.

Teaching Math HomeschoolThis article gives examples and ideas of teaching math to kids if they are homeschooled.

Tips For Helping Your Elementary School Child With Math Homework This article includes ways to help your child with math (elementary school math levels). Very well written article. For parents.



Interactive MathA site with interactive learning modules and activities for your kids. Wide range of topics. For Parents.

Addition and Subtraction E-LearningAn E-learning activity for your kindergarten aged kid. This lesson is on addition and subtraction, and it is interactive. For parents to work on with kids.

Simplifying Fractions E-LearningDoes your child need help simplifying fractions? This activity is great because it is interactive enough to keep his/her interested through the whole lesson, while also helping with learning math. For parents to work on with kids (specifically 5th grade math).


Facebook Pages

Teaching Mathematics In BostonA Facebook page that regularly posts interesting math and engineering links centered around teaching and learning. For Parents.

Success In Learning Math CenterThis Facebook page has a variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) links for you to look at. For parents.



Math Tips for ParentsThis Pinterest board includes helpful ideas and activities that you can do with your child to practice math skills every day. For parents.

How Parents Can Help With Math At Home : How can you help your kids learn math at home? This pinterest board has quite a few helpful ideas that you can practice when your child is not at school. For parents