Videos on Anxiety

Anxiety by ASweeneyPhoto, on FlickrOne of the best ways to learn about the world of psychology is through videos. Just ask kids, who like to watch videos on a variety of topics. While the most popular topics on YouTube are animals, pranks, and let’s play videos, there is also a large array of videos anxiety and anxiety disorders. Finding good ones, however, is not always easy. That’s where our team at South County Child and Family Consultants comes in. Not only do we review videos on anxiety to make sure they have appropriate material, but we also help to ensure that the videos you watch will be informative and engaging. We also do our best to identify videos anxiety that may be directly helpful to kids, tweens, and teens who will watch them.


For Parents

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?: A video that explains what generalized anxiety disorder is.

How to Help Your Kids with Anxiety Right Now!: 7 easy steps to help parents with kids dealing with anxiety help their kids.

5 Ways to Help Your Child Get Over School Anxiety: Is your child having problems with anxiety over going to school? This video may give you tips on how to help them get through it and be successful.


For Kids and Teens

Tom has Separation Anxiety Disorder : An educational animated video about separation anxiety disorder for kids and teens.

Anxiety Disorder : A video of a teenager that talks about her experiences with anxiety disorder.

Anxiety Disorders: Signs & Symptoms of Child Anxiety : A video that explains the  symptoms of anxiety in children.

Childhood Anxiety and OCD : An interview between a parent and her daughter who is fighting through anxiety. Very relatable video for kids and teens who are having similar issues.


Photo Credit: “Anxiety” (CC BY-NC 2.0) by  ASweeneyPhoto