Websites on Brain Training for Parents

brain by jungmoon, on FlickrThe Internet is a great place to find information and education on various topics. However, there is also a lot out there that isn’t helpful or relevant to what you are looking for. Brain training, while a very beneficial practice, can be hard to find information on. We have found a great collection of websites that are some of the best on the Internet. Check out the links below to learn more about brains and brain training, which are updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants.

Fit BrainsA website that provides numerous games and exercises that are used for brain training. The games are designed by neuroscientists and allows you to track your progress throughout the training. For parents.

The Dana FoundationUseful website for information regarding the brain and provides different pages dedicated to parents, kids, elderly and educators and transformations of the brain. There is also a few workbooks to help kids in understanding the brain. For parents.

Brain Training for KidsGoofybrains is a website designed specifically for brain training with kids and is used as a resource for parents. For parents and teachers.


Photo Credit: “brain” (CC BY-NC 2.0) by  jungmoon