Videos on Meditation and Mindfulness for Parents and Kids

Videos on Meditation, Mindfulness, Relaxation, and Yoga

Many kids and parents have figured out that one of the best ways for them to learn about the world is by watching videos. Therefore, visiting YouTube or other major video channels can be very informative whether you want to learn how to fix something in your house or to learn about meditation and mindfulness. Because there are so many videos we have worked to find some of the best for kids. Check out the following list of the videos designed to help kids and adults learn more about meditation and mindfulness that are updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants!

Resources for Parents and Kids


10 Minute Guided Body Scan Meditation from The Meditation Coach

This is a a 10 minute video about how to do a body scan meditation for increased mindfulness.

Guided Audio Meditation

Here is a good starting point to find videos for easy meditation and mindfulness techniques.


Resources for Parents


Mindfulness Meditation – Quick 15 Min Stress Relief Version

Here is a 15 minute video that can help with relieving stress and promote meditation.

Meditation Helps Lower Truancy and Suspensions

This is a video about how meditation improved the situation of a San Francisco Middle School. 

Jon Kabat-Zinn: The Science of Mindfulness

Here is a very informative video by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This explains in depth what mindfulness is.

How to Perform the 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise

This is a video that provide an explanation on how to perform the “4-7-8” breathing exercise by Andrew Weil, M.D. 

Yoga For Complete Beginners

Here is a video that provides a tutorial on various yoga techniques for beginners. 

How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains

This is a video on how meditation can be beneficial in developing our brains.


Additional Videos:

Stress Relief Breathing Techniques

A 6 minute video featuring two stress relief breathing techniques. Introduced is the “3-Part breath” and the “Ocean-Sounding breath.”

Stress-Relieving Breathing Exercises

A video on teaching children stress relieving techniques.


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