Websites for Parents on Learning Disabilities

The Internet is a great place to find information and resources on various topics, such as learning disabilities. However, there is also a lot out there that isn’t helpful or relevant to what you are looking for. Learning disabilities, while very common, are a hard topic to find valuable information on. We have found a great collection of websites that are some of the best on the Internet. Check out the links below, updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants.

Websites for Parents on Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities Association of America – Learning Disabilities Association of America main Website. Lots of helpful resources for parents, teachers, and the workplace. Click on each link to get to a full article about different types of Learning Disorders. So  – is a website with lots of articles, videos, and even some interactive resources to help you understand different learning disabilities and get a new perspective on them. So

Smart Kids With LD – A website that really focuses on building a whole community for kids and teens with learning disabilities. There are links to town meetings and events, and places where you can talk to other parents! So

National Center For Learning Disabilities  – National Center for Learning Disabilities main website. Through this website, you can find links for Parents, Young Adults, Educators, and for Professionals. So

Center for Parent Information and Resources – This website can be your central “hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities.

Special Education Guide –  Special Education Guide can be your go-to resource for mastering the terminology, procedures and best practices in special education.