Videos on Learning Disabilities
Often, it is most helpful to learn by watching videos. Videos can be a great way to learn more, or foster a conversation, about learning disabilities. Being educated about learning disabilities can help your child to cope and develop strategies to help with their disability. While there are many videos that aren’t worth watching, there are many that are. We have collected some of the best videos available on the Internet. Check out the excellent videos below about learning disabilities, updated regularly by our team at South County Child and Family Consultants. Pay careful attention to which videos are designed for kids and which are designed for adults.
Videos for Kids
Down & Up -An animated short relates to children with learning disabilities. SO
What Are Learning Disabilities? -A video explaining what learning disabilities are for younger children to follow. SO
Asperger’s syndrome explained for children –An animated video that explains to children the concept of Asperger’s syndrome. SO
Children with Dyslexia Interview -A video about how it feels to have dyslexia for younger kids. SO
Videos for Teens
What Are Learning Disabilities? –A video on the basics on what learning disabilities are. SO
Joshua Piscitello -A short interview about a student named Joshua Piscitello winning the 2012 Allegra Ford Scholarship despite his struggles with learning disabilities. SO
Overcoming Dyslexia, Finding Passion -A video with speaker Piper Otterbein and her perspective on living with and overcoming dyslexia. SO
Aspergers 101: The Basics -A animated video that gives an explanation on the basics of Aspergers. SO
Dyslexia Explained: What’s It Like Being Dyslexic? -An animated short on how it’s like being dyslexic. SO
Videos for Adults
What Are the Different Types? -A video on the different types of learning disabilities. SO
Elementary Education : How to Identify Learning Disabilities in Children –A short video that provides information on how to identify learning disabilities in children. SO
What Is Dyslexia? -A video that provides information on what dyslexia is. SO
Dyslexia An Unwrapped Gift -A video that explains how you can work dyslexia to be beneficial. SO
What Is Dyscalculia? -A video that provides information on what dyscalculia is. SO
Keyboarding 4 Kids –A video on how to overcome learning disabilities with typing skills. So
Experience A Learning Disability Through Your Childs Eyes –A video/activity that lets you experience what it might be like to actually have a learning disability yourself. So
Dyslexia Help -Games and suggestions for apps to download for kids with dylsexia. These apps and games can make reading fun to do! For Kids/Teens