Study Skills and Brain Hacks for Teens & College Students

Do any of these sound like you or someone you know?

  • My notes don’t help me to study
  • I get distracted while studying
  • I feel anxious when taking tests
  • I never remember what I have read
  • I get bored and tired when studying
  • I am disorganized while studying 
  • I don’t have enough time to read and study
  • My notes are not helpful for studying 
  • I never have time to finish tests

We’ve assembled a comprehensive resource that includes videos, apps, articles and descriptions of studying strategies that help kids learn and perform better on tests. We encourage you to refer back to it often, trying various study strategies and noting the results. 

Everyone’s learning style (and needs and learning challenges) is different, and this one-page school and learning hack can help. If you find it useful, please share the article with friends. 

Learning Strategies for Teens and Young AdultsGo Now!