Websites for Parents on Executive Functions

Executive functions are brain-based cognitive skills that facilitate critical thinking and self-regulation. Executive functions call upon the prefrontal cortex of our brains to help with goal-setting and decision making. These skills include flexibility, focus, organization, planning, self-awareness, self-control, time management, and working memory.

Our team of neuropsychologists, school psychologists, and psychology students at South County Child and Family Consultants are committed to searching the Internet and beyond to find reputable, informative, and practical tools to help parents, children, and teens improve executive functioning. We look for the best information online to help kids diagnosed with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Executive Functioning Difficulties, struggles with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, Autism, Depression, and Anxiety and provide you with information about how neuropsychological evaluations help in targeting concerns surrounding executive functioning. Come back regularly, as the links are updated frequently.

Everything Executive Functions
LW4K is a great resource to learn more about executive functions with different resources for further understanding of these essential cognitive skills.

Improving Executive Functions
This website is designed to help improve children’s executive functioning skills. Although the curriculum sessions come with a price, the first lesson is free and covers meta-cognition.

Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities
A useful website that offers in-depth knowledge on what executive functions are and how to help your child strengthen these skills. 

Cognitive and Executive Functioning
This website is useful for resources such as archived webinars, articles and chapters, handouts, audio/video clips, and websites with information related to supporting the development of cognition and executive functioning in infants and toddlers.