Resources for Kids on Brain Training

Brain training, while a very beneficial practice for both children and adults, can be difficult to understand. We have collected some of the best resources for kids on the Internet to help them understand brains and brain training.

Our team of neuropsychologists, school psychologists, and psychology students at South County Child and Family Consultants are committed to searching the Internet and beyond to find reputable, informative, and practical tools to help parents, children, and teens learn more about brain training. We look for the best information online to help kids diagnosed with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Executive Functioning Difficulties, struggles with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, Autism, Depression, and Anxiety and provide you with information about how neuropsychological evaluations help in targeting concerns regarding brain training. Come back regularly, as the links are updated frequently.


Working Memory, Brain Training, and Learning
A collection of brain games and techniques that can be used to improve working memory.

KBN Learning Activities 
This board features learning activities that children can use to play and learn from. While some of these activities require some supplies, there are plenty that can be done with everyday household items. 


From the Dana Foundation:

“The purpose of this workbook is to start your child thinking about his or her brain, what it does, how it works, its importance, and how to take care of it.”

Workbook #1 

Workbook #2

Workbook #3


Brain Training Apps 
Katherine Jacobsen lists ten games for your brain that help exercise and train it within certain areas.

Fun Ways to Train the Brain
This post is a summary of four workshops on brain training and goes into detail about what brain training is and how to improve our thinking skills.

Brain Training Activity 
This simple exercise is fun and rewarding. By manipulating your body, this exercise shows how quickly the brain adapts to different situations.