Resources for Parents on Impulsivity and Response Inhibition

Kids who can’t stop moving and act before thinking are a challenge for parents and teachers. Many impulsive kids are able to solve problems, but sometimes don’t stop to do so. This causes frustration for parents-and the kids, too. Most impulsive kids want to make better decisions. They often recognize-after the fact- that their behaviors are causing difficulties with peers and teachers.  There are some ways to help. Sorting through all the resources available for children struggling with impulsivity can be extremely overwhelming. Gathered below are some of the best tools available, ranging from articles to games and interactive apps.

Our team of neuropsychologists, school psychologists, and psychology students at South County Child and Family Consultants are committed to searching the Internet and beyond to find reputable, informative, and practical tools to help parents, children, and teens improve Cognitive Flexibility. We look for the best information online to help kids diagnosed with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Executive Functioning Difficulties, struggles with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, Autism, Depression, and Anxiety and provide you with information about how neuropsychological evaluations can help target concerns with Cognitive Flexibility. Come back regularly, as the links are updated frequently.

Improve Response Inhibition
A great resource that offers a detailed explanation of response inhibition along with helpful hints and strategies.

This popular app offers many unique ideas for improving response inhibition and impulsivity in the home, school, and community. It also allows people to share ideas that have/have not worked for them and their children. 

Toward a Better Understanding
This resource provides many useful ideas for children who struggle in the area of response inhibition. It includes games, articles, and more. 


Developing a Brain Filter
This handout discusses how to help highly impulsive children and teens stop and think before acting. It provides information on how to make a plan, set a goal, and take daily action. 

Pragmatic Parent

This is a website that includes a list of games parents can play with their kids that teach self-regulation and impulse control while having fun. Simon Says, Duck Duck Goose, and Freeze Tag are just a few of the games that children allow children to play with their friends while practicing executive functioning.