A Student’s Guide to Slow Processing Speed: Insightful Videos for Teens and Young Adults

Numerous adolescents and university students find themselves grappling with the challenge of maintaining the rhythm required for efficient note-taking and timely homework completion. Despite their innate capabilities and intelligence, these young individuals may frequently encounter difficulties in keeping pace, which can lead to heightened stress levels. This struggle can often be indicative of a slower processing speed, particularly noticeable in activities such as note-taking, reading comprehension, or solving mathematical equations. Nevertheless, when provided with adequate time or the necessary support tools, these students are frequently able to perform on par with their counterparts.


Think of slow processing speed like being a slow runner in a fast race. Teens who have this might not be able to think or work as quickly as others, even though they really want to. But just like in a long race where lasting a long time is more important than running fast, teens who work hard and keep going show they are really strong and tough. This kind of never-give-up attitude is super important for doing well even when things feel tough because of slow processing speed.


To gain a deeper understanding of the scientific, biological, and psychological ramifications of slow processing speed, exploring educational resources is invaluable. At South County Child and Family, our specialists have curated a selection of insightful videos that offer both expertise and personal experiences related to slow processing speed. These resources are designed to enlighten students, parents, and educators, providing them with strategies to effectively manage and adapt to this learning obstacle. Discover more about slow processing speed and how to navigate it by delving into our recommended video collection.

5 of the best videos for teens and young adults in school to better understand and build their processing speed: 


1. What is Slow Processing Speed & How it Can Affecr Students 

This educational video begins by defining processing speed as the pace at which individuals take in, understand, and begin to respond to information, setting the stage for understanding its impact on learning and performance. It then delves into the challenges faced by students with slow processing speed during exams, such as difficulty completing tasks within time limits and heightened stress, which can impede academic success. The video concludes with a suite of strategies to mitigate these challenges, including classroom accommodations, effective time management skills, the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, and the use of anxiety-reducing techniques to enhance overall performance.


2. What Causes Slow Processing Speed?
This video provides an in-depth exploration of processing speed, detailing its origins in cognitive function and how it influences individuals from childhood through adulthood, particularly in academic settings. It also describes the manifestations of slow processing speed, offering insight into how it can present in various behaviors and impact a person’s learning and daily activities over time.


3. How Slow Processing Speed Affects Executive Functioning
The video examines the intricate relationship between slow processing speed and its effects on cognitive areas such as working memory, cognitive flexibility, self-regulation, and overall executive functioning. It also highlights the unexpected advantages of slow processing speed, such as thoroughness and accuracy, and discusses the key skills individuals can cultivate to leverage these strengths effectively.


4. Why is My Brain So Slow at Processing Information?
Jean Harville, an expert in brain training and learning, explains what it means to have a slow processing speed and how it’s different from other learning skills. She gives a clear example to show what slow processing speed looks like in real life and how it can make things like following a conversation hard. Jean also shares some simple tips to help kids cope with these challenges and talks about how they can speak up for themselves at school to get the help they need.

5. Slow Processing Speed and Anxiety
Jerome Schultz, Ph.D., addresses the often-overlooked experience of children with slow processing speed, highlighting their effort to catch up with classmates and how this can result in learning gaps, while simultaneously emphasizing their inherent intelligence and potential for success in higher education. He acknowledges the frequent co-occurrence of anxiety with slow processing speed, examining how this combination can affect a student’s daily academic experience. Schultz reassures students that with understanding and support, they can manage these challenges and thrive academically.


Slow processing speed is a cognitive characteristic that influences the rate at which individuals process and react to information, playing a critical role in their educational and social experiences. Distinguished from executive functioning, it can lead to challenges such as difficulty in keeping up with peers, creating gaps in learning, and affecting one’s ability to engage in conversations. However, with the right support and strategies, students with slow processing speed can learn to advocate for themselves, manage the often accompanying anxiety, and leverage their innate intelligence to thrive in academic settings. The message from experts in the field is one of optimism, assuring students that despite these obstacles, success in higher education is well within their reach when they utilize the tools and resources available to them.

At South County Child and Family Consultants, we’re focused on providing teens and college students with the resources and knowledge to effectively manage slow processing speed. Dive into our resource hub for an in-depth look at slow processing speed, where you’ll find valuable information and actionable tips. Learn about our tailored neuropsychological evaluations, which can identify your unique learning profile and help craft strategies that support your educational journey and personal growth. Join us in turning the challenge of slow processing speed into a platform for success and empowerment.