Reading Their Way Through ADHD: Top 5 Books for Kids on Navigating Attention Differences

Navigating the conversation about ADHD with your child can seem daunting, but embracing it as a regular part of life can ease the process. Whether your child is an avid reader or not, exploring stories of others—both real and fictional—who share similar experiences can be incredibly validating. Engaging with your child through reading can be a simple yet profound way to connect and discuss the nuances of ADHD. Even brief, focused reading sessions can open doors to understanding and provide comfort to your child, knowing they are not alone in their journey.


For children grappling with the complexities of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, literature can be a powerful tool. Books specifically tailored for children with ADHD address the unique challenges they face—from navigating academic demands to forging friendships and maintaining familial bonds. These resources not only demystify ADHD for young readers but also offer practical strategies for managing symptoms and thriving in all areas of life. By providing insight and coping mechanisms, these books empower children with ADHD to embrace their personal strengths and develop resilience in the face of adversity.


Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the scientific, biological, and psychological facets of ADHD is crucial, and educational resources can play a pivotal role in this process. At South County Child and Family, our specialists have put together an enlightening collection of books that provide both expert insights and personal accounts on ADHD. These materials are tailored to inform and assist students, parents, and educators by offering practical strategies for coping with and managing ADHD’s complexities. Learn more about ADHD and discover ways to effectively navigate its challenges by engaging with our curated selection of books.

  1. Otto Learns About His Medicine: A Story About Medication for Children with ADHD” by Matthew Galvin (Illustrated by Sandra Ferraro) (3rd Edition, 2021)

In this illustrated children’s book, Otto, a young car with ADHD, learns about how his medicine helps him concentrate and succeed in school. Through engaging storytelling and relatable automotive characters, the book simplifies the concept of ADHD medication, making it easier for kids to understand why they may need it. The colorful illustrations and the third edition’s updated content make it a timely and appealing resource for children adjusting to the idea of taking medication for ADHD.


  1. “Shelley the Hyperactive Turtle” by Deborah Moss and Carol Schwartz (2nd Edition, 2016)

   Shelley’s tale is a heartwarming story about a turtle who moves faster than his peers and struggles to stay focused. This book is particularly suitable for younger children, using the metaphor of a hyperactive turtle to teach kids about self-acceptance and the importance of seeking help when needed. The colorful illustrations and relatable storyline make it a great conversation starter about ADHD for children and their caregivers.


  1. Focusing and Calming Games for Children: Mindfulness Strategies and Activities to Help Children to Relax, Concentrate, and Take Control” by Deborah Plummer (2012)

   Although not exclusively about ADHD, this resource is packed with games and activities designed to help children improve their focus and self-regulation. It offers a variety of fun, engaging exercises that can be especially beneficial for kids with ADHD. The book is a practical guide for parents and teachers to help children develop the skills they need to manage attention and hyperactivity.


  1. The ADHD Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills, and Self-Control” by Lawrence E. Shapiro (2010)

   This interactive workbook provides a collection of simple exercises to help children with ADHD learn essential life skills. It focuses on building self-confidence, improving social skills, and offering strategies for self-control. Shapiro’s approach is hands-on, making it an effective tool for engaging children in active learning about their ADHD.


  1. I Can’t Sit Still!: Living with ADHD” by Pam Pollack, Meg Belviso, and Marta Fabrega (2013)

   This illustrated book offers a glimpse into the life of a child with ADHD, demonstrating the day-to-day realities and challenges they face. It’s written in a kid-friendly language that makes complex concepts accessible and relatable. The book also provides encouragement and advice for kids who often feel misunderstood because of their ADHD symptoms.


As parents and guardians navigate the multifaceted world of ADHD alongside their children, these insightful books serve as valuable companions on the journey. They offer not only understanding and guidance but also instill hope by illustrating the potential for children with ADHD to lead fulfilling and successful lives. We at South County Child and Family Consultants invite you to explore our website further for a wealth of articles and resources tailored to support the development of executive functions and provide additional strategies for managing ADHD. Together, we can equip our children with the tools they need to thrive and harness their unique strengths.