10 Audiobooks and Podcasts for Parenting Screen Time

In this digital age, it’s easy to become overly attached to our screens. Children are deeply involved with electronic devices at home and in school, frequently using computers, tablets, or televisions. As a society, we’ve come to depend on these screens for our daily functioning. This leads to a crucial question: when does screen time become too much, and how do we set limits for our children? To help you navigate this issue, we’ve located a selection of audiobooks and podcasts that delve into the topic of setting healthy screen time boundaries. These resources are an ideal solution for parents on the go, allowing you to gain insights while driving, working out, or preparing meals. They provide a convenient way to learn about screen time management and the most effective parenting strategies to support our children’s development.

Our team at South County Child and Family Consultants, which includes neuropsychologists, school psychologists, and psychology students, is committed to identifying the most reliable and actionable resources to assist parents, children, and teens. We concentrate on finding the best online content to help children with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, executive functioning issues, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, autism, depression, and anxiety. We also offer information on how neuropsychological assessments can pinpoint and address these issues. Remember to visit us often, as we regularly update our links with the latest and most comprehensive resources available.

Below are 5 audiobooks for parents on screen time for kids: 

  1. The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place” by Andy Crouch

   This book provides practical advice for families looking to create a balanced relationship with technology. Andy Crouch offers actionable steps and real-life examples to help parents set boundaries and foster meaningful connections within the family. It’s an essential read for parents who want to ensure that technology enhances rather than detracts from their family life. It offers a new and unique way to think about screen time. 

  1. Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time” by Victoria L. Dunckley

   Dr. Victoria L. Dunckley presents a comprehensive, science-backed plan to help parents reduce the negative impact of excessive screen time on their children’s mental and physical health. The book outlines a four-week program designed to “reset” a child’s brain, improving behavior, academic performance, and social skills. It’s an invaluable resource for parents concerned about the adverse effects of screen time on their children.

  1. Screen Schooled: Two Veteran Teachers Expose How Technology Overuse Is Making Our Kids Dumber” by Joe Clement and Matt Miles

   Written by two experienced educators, this book explores the detrimental effects of technology overuse in schools and offers strategies for parents and teachers to mitigate these effects. Joe Clement and Matt Miles provide compelling evidence and practical advice on how to reclaim children’s attention and foster a more engaging learning environment. It’s a must-read for parents who want to understand the impact of screens on education and take proactive steps to address it.

  1. Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids – and How to Break the Trance” by Nicholas Kardaras

   Dr. Nicholas Kardaras examines the addictive nature of screens and provides insights into how parents can help their children develop healthier habits and reduce screen dependency. The book delves into the psychological and neurological effects of screen addiction, offering practical strategies for breaking the cycle. It’s an eye-opening read for parents who are concerned about the long-term impact of screen addiction on their children’s well-being.

  1. Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology” by Diana Graber

   Diana Graber offers a comprehensive guide for parents to help their children navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. The book emphasizes the importance of digital literacy and balanced screen time, providing practical tips and tools for fostering a healthy relationship with technology. It’s an essential resource for parents who want to equip their children with the skills needed to thrive in a digital age while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.


Here are five recommended podcasts that delve into the topic of managing screen time and setting healthy boundaries for children:

  1. The Digital Mindfulness Podcast

   This podcast explores the impact of digital technology on our lives and offers insights into how we can use technology mindfully. Hosted by Lawrence Ampofo, the episodes feature expert interviews and practical advice on managing screen time and fostering a healthier relationship with technology. While not every episode is family or children oriented, it is still an excellent resource for parents looking to understand the broader implications of digital consumption and implement mindful practices at home.

  1. Your Parenting Mojo – Respectful, Research-Based Parenting Ideas to Help Kids Thrive

   Hosted by Jen Lumanlan, this podcast delves into various parenting topics, including managing screen time and setting healthy boundaries. Each episode is grounded in research and offers actionable advice for parents. It’s particularly useful for those who want evidence-based strategies to support their children’s development in a digital age.

  1. The Balanced Parent Podcast

   Dr. Laura Froyen hosts this podcast, which focuses on helping parents find balance in their family life, including managing screen time. The episodes cover a range of topics related to parenting, mental health, and family dynamics, providing practical tips and expert insights. It’s a valuable resource for parents seeking to create a balanced and harmonious home environment.

  1. ADDitude Magazine

   ADDitude Magazine’s podcasts provide invaluable insights for parents managing children with ADHD, including the effects of screen time. These episodes feature expert advice and practical strategies to help navigate this and other challenges. Parents can also find discussions on behavioral management, educational strategies, and emotional well-being, making the ADDitude Magazine website a rich resource for comprehensive guidance. Search their website for more valuable screentime resources.

  1. The Screenagers Podcast

   Based on the popular documentary “Screenagers,” this podcast explores the impact of screen time on children and teens. Hosted by Dr. Delaney Ruston, the episodes feature interviews with experts, parents, and teens, offering practical advice and real-life stories. It’s an essential resource for parents who want to understand the complexities of screen time and implement effective strategies to manage it.

For those seeking additional support and resources on managing screen time, South County Child and Family Consultants offer a wealth of information and expertise. By visiting their website, you can access a curated selection of books and materials, connect with knowledgeable specialists, and find tailored advice to help you or your child navigate the complexities of screen time. Whether you’re looking for strategies to improve daily routines, educational accommodations, or simply to understand the impact of screen time better, South County Child and Family Consultants is an invaluable resource for empowering individuals and families.