Dr. Randy Kulman

Randy Kulman, PhD is the founder of South County Child and Family Consultants, Author, and Pioneering Digital Play Expert

Dr. Kulman has been working with children, teens and families for over 30 years. His research, books, podcasts and articles have been widely cited in the emerging field of Digital Play Therapy.  Dr. Randy Kulman is founder and director of a professional practice that specializes in assessment and interventions for individuals with learning disorders. During his time as clinical director at South County Child & Family Consultants, Dr. Kulman developed new ways to use video games and online digital technologies to improve executive skills in children. His work has been specifically geared to support alternative learners: individuals who experience challenges that range from mild learning difficulties to diagnosed disorders such as Dyslexia, Asperger’s, and ADHD.

Because of the recent concern about children playing the video game Fortnite, Kulman was interviewed by Fox News.com, WBZ Radio, and Bloomberg News. Kulman also routinely contributes to ADDitude magazine, and is featured in podcasts related to ADHD, learning and digital gaming technologies (see listings below).

Dr. Randy Kulman also serves as Founder and President of Learning Works for Kids, an online environment that offers live training, digital and video game reviews and learning resources with the specific purpose of increasing users’ mindful play and executive function development. The results have been notable, and in 2018 LW4K Live was launched; small, live, online classes where participants explore learning strategies via popular video games.

When asked about his progression from neuropsychology to author and digital technologies educator, Dr. Kulman explains that many of the learning issues he saw in his patients were improved through mindful play strategies. Since many of his patients were already positively engaged with video and online game experiences, he sought to find practical ways to make these experiences beneficial for children and teens.

Randy Kulman, Ph.D., is a member of the ADDitude ADHD Specialist Panel.


More about LearningWorks for Kids

LearningWorks for Kids (LW4K) was founded on the principle that popular video games and other digital media, when used mindfully and responsibly, can be powerful tools for sharpening and improving children’s academic performance and cognitive thinking skills.  Go to LW4K


Books by Randy Kulman, PhD 

The following books are available in paperback and digital formats via Amazon and other major booksellers.




Listen to “Screen Limits and Learning: Using Apps and Games to Build Social Skills, Creativity, and Fitness” with Randy Kulman, Ph.D. from Additude Magazine.

Click the play button below to listen. Mobile users can touch this link to open the Podcasts app or touch this link to open the Stitcher app.

Listen to “The Benefits of Screen Time and Gaming for Children with ADHD” with Randy Kulman, Ph.D. on ADHD Momma

This episode of the Parenting ADHD Podcast, focuses on the benefits of gaming and technology, including a list of games that are good for children. Click play button below, or visit webpage for this episode.

Listen to “Screentime, tech tools and processing speed” with Randy Kulman, Ph.D. on ADHD reWired with Eric Tivers

In this episode, you will hear Dr. Kulman talk about translating game-based learning into the real world. He describes how “Detect-Reflect-Connect” helps individuals connect skills developed in games into their daily lives.

Listen to “Using Games to Develop Mental Skills” with Randy Kulman, Ph.D. on The Psychology of Games.

Can you connect game-based learning and practice of these skills with “real life” skills? Use embedded player below, or click this link.

Listen to “Too Much Technology – Is Your Kid Really Addicted?” with Randy Kulman, Ph.D. on Impact ADHD

Kulman explains how the amount of time kids are spending on technology is extraordinary – and he shares some of the data around that. But that doesn’t necessarily mean kids are addicted – and not necessarily a bad thing. Listen by clicking on this link.



Randy Kulman, Ph.D.
President, LearningWorks for Kids
Director, South County Child and Family Consultants

Twitter @rkulman