Intellectual Evaluations

eval-intellectIntelligence testing is used to measure cognitive abilities such as reasoning, comprehension, and judgment. Intelligence or “IQ” tests are generally very good measures of verbal and logical skills. They serve as good predictors of school success. They are often useful in understanding a child’s innate aptitude for acquiring the verbal and logical skills that are displayed in academic areas such as reading and mathematics. Intelligence testing also measures skills such as processing abilities, memory skills, and specific types of problem-solving capacities.

These tests are an important component of many types of psychological evaluations and are particularly useful when a child is experiencing difficulties at school or having attention problems. It is important to understand that intelligence/IQ tests measure a fairly narrow component of a child’s overall abilities. Many current theories of intelligence describe a number of dimensions such as musical and spatial abilities, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, kinesthetic skills, and environmental understanding that are not measured by traditional IQ tests. This is of utmost importance in helping children who struggle with traditional school-based tasks to understand the multiple dimensions of intelligence.

Commonly used tests include the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence -IV (WPPSI-4) , Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – IV (WISC-4),  Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – V (WISC-5), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – IV (WAIS-4), Stanford-Binet – IV, and Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test – 2.

Most intelligence tests combine both verbal and nonverbal measures. There are a number of nonverbal intelligence tests that can be utilized with individuals who have speech or hearing issues, or who may not have a mastery of the English language.

Full test descriptions are available here.

For a consultation, call our office at 401-789-1553 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Randy Kulman at 1058 Kingstown Rd. Wakefield, RI 02879.