Being a Grownup is Hard: The name sounds like it’s for adults but this website is great for all ages. It has many different methods to help relax and keep calm such as music, games, and professional resources.
Time Magazine- Test Anxiety in the Classroom: Strategies for teachers and students to reduce test anxiety. Great for high school and college students.
Disruptive Behavior: A relatable article for kids and teens to help better understand social anxiety and how it can lead to disruptive behavior. Something to share with your parents to help them understand too.
Fun and Games
Activities for Anxious Kids: Fun and relaxing games for kids who have trouble with anxiety. There are quite a few easy but entertaining things to do to help relax in this list.
Anxiety Workbook for Kids: This fun activity book can be great for kids ages 5 to 11 who have anxiety.
Photo Credits: “Young Gaming Zombie II” (CC BY 2.0) by Michael Bentley
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