There are lots of great resources online to learn about healthy exercise, especially many great websites. The information on these websites ranges from activities to get you and your kids moving through fun games and small daily exercise routines for those who need more daily structure.
Our team of neuropsychologists, school psychologists, and psychology students at South County Child and Family Consultants is committed to searching the Internet and beyond to find reputable, informative, and practical tools to help parents, children, and teens improve your child’s exercise habits. We look for the best information online to help kids diagnosed with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, executive-functioning difficulties, struggles with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, autism, depression, and anxiety and provide you with information about how neuropsychological evaluations help in targeting concerns regarding your child’s exercise habits, or lack thereof. Come back regularly, as the links are updated frequently.
Active Kids
Active Kids is a website for parents with many different types of resources. From nearby events to fun tips for being active with your family, this website has it all.
Kids Health
Kids Health has a plethora of information on many aspects of raising a child. This is most helpful for fitness and exercise related tips is their “Fitness for your…” section. These sections have specialized advice for every age range of children, giving a more direct approach for that particular age.
Healthy Children
Healthy Children houses many resources for parents relating to the health and wellbeing of their children. Under the fitness tab, there are many articles to get your child moving in fun and effective ways.
Super Healthy Kids
From healthy meal plans and recipes to workout and fitness tips and plans, Super Healthy Kids has a plethora of resources for both you and your child on staying healthy together.
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