Time To Pay Attention: What The Newest ADHD Research Is Telling Us ADHD beginning during childhood and going into adulthood, based on recent studies is affecting 30% of the population.
7 Tips for a Productive Day. The ADHD friendly way. A few tips to help with those struggling with ADHD. Being productive may come as a challenge but some tips can lead to major improvements.
Neuro + ADHD An informative blog to educate the public about ADHD, including research and findings.
Why are so many American Youth abusing Adderall? Interesting take on the overuse of medication, particularly in specific areas of the country. Good for parents considering medication for their children.
Structure to Improve Working Memory in Kids with ADHD An excellent article from ImpactADHD describing practical ideas to help your child with working memory skills.
E-Learning Modules
MindEd -The Aggressive/Difficult Child: An e-learning module that describes the symptoms of ADHD, along with interactive quizzes to inform parents about causes and treatments for mental health issues.
MindEd – Poor Concentration and Overactivity: An e-learning module that describes the symptoms of possible ADHD, along with interactive quizzes to inform parents about causes and treatments for mental health issues.
MindEd – Poor Concentration and Overactivity 2: A follow-up e-learning module that describes the symptoms of possible ADHD, along with interactive quizzes to inform parents about causes and treatments for mental health issues.
Facebook Pages
Facebook – CHADD: Page for CHADD, a resource with an abundance of information regarding ADHD.
Facebook – ADDitude Magazine: Page dedicated to the well-known magazine and website, ADDitude, which provides a copious amount of information regarding ADHD and other learning disabilities.
LearningWorks for Kids: Provides information about how technology, video games, and other digital media can be used as a tool to assist kids that struggle with a variety of learning difficulties.
ADHD Interrupted: Some tips and encouraging words to help the day-to-day ADHD patient.
Pinterest Boards
ADHD/ADD by Touch Autism: Solutions, support, and tips for children with ADHD. This is great for teachers, parents of children with ADHD and even teens or adults who struggle with ADHD.
ADHD Alternative Strategies by LearningWorks for Kids: A collection of activity ideas and tricks for children with ADHD. Useful for teachers and parents.
Got Attention? | ADHD Community Board: A community board dedicated to all things ADHD related.
ADDitude – Dr. Ned Hallowell: Dr. Hallowell is a well-known psychiatrist and instructor at Harvard Medical School who has written bestsellers on ADD such as Driven to Distraction. His podcasts discuss ADD/ADHD and are a thoughtful display of his vast knowledge on this topic.
ADDItude – ADHD Experts Podcast: A compilation of 100 podcasts in which experts answer common questions that many people have in regards to ADHD.
Attention Talk Radio: Weekly podcasts that consistently delivers fresh new self-help information regarding ADD and ADHD.
Photo Credit: “_D3N1034_fix_6x4_b” (CC BY-NC 2.0) by Innovation_School
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