Photo Credit: Texas A&M University-Co…
Digital technologies offer great opportunities for teaching youngsters who struggle in school. Children with Learning Disabilities and attentional problems often display difficulty in processing information or generalizing what they learn from one setting to another. They are often frustrated with traditional teaching methods and tend to lack persistence with academic tasks. However, digital media often significantly engages these same children. For example, children who struggle to read find that digital technologies such as e-readers are incredibly powerful tools in helping them to learn from books. Children who have difficulties with regard to handwriting and processing speed often benefit from learning keyboarding skills or from using voice recognition systems to assist them in their writing.
Video games and other digital technologies may serve as the impetus for children to use skills that they may not choose to employ in other settings. For example, many video games require significant amounts of reading in order to complete the game. If this activity is the best way to get your child to read, then we strongly encourage you to employ this game as a tool. Children who struggle with math may benefit from playing video games that require mathematical problem-solving or from playing math-based computer games that are fun and engaging.
School systems are increasingly using different types of digital technologies to engage children in learning processes. Classrooms are becoming equipped with iPhones loaded with academic apps. High school teachers are using Facebook and other social networking sites to communicate with their students and to assist those students who struggle to remember the specifics of their homework assignments.
To learn more about digital technologies that can help your children find success in their academic tasks, we strongly recommend visiting:LearningWorks for Kids
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