Category Archives - School & Learning Concerns

Last Updated January 18, 2016

What Does the Working-Memory Index Measure?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

At its core, the working memory index measures a child’s ability to hold verbal and visual information in mind and

What Does the Visual Spatial Processing Index Measure?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

At its core, the visual spatial processing index measures a child’s ability to analyze and assess visual information and details,

What Does the Fluid-reasoning Index Measure?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

At its core, the fluid reasoning index measures a child’s ability to apply logic and reasoning to problem solving and

What Does the Verbal Comprehension Index Measure?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

At its core, the verbal comprehension index measures a child’s ability to access his vocabulary, express himself in a meaningful

What are Core Mathematics Skills?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Difficulty with basic mathematics and computational skills may often be evident at a very young age. As preschoolers, children who

What Are Core Writing Skills?

January 13, 2016 - No Comments

Writing is an extremely complex task that is not only difficult to learn but also hard to teach. Frustration with

What are Core Reading Skills?

December 11, 2015 - No Comments

Learning to read can be one of the biggest challenges that children face during the course of their education. The

Early Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia and Reading Disabilities

December 9, 2015 - No Comments

Children who struggle with reading find the demands of school to be overwhelming. Identifying the signs of a Reading Disability

How to Help a Teen Improve Executive Functions

December 9, 2015 - No Comments

Do you know a high schooler or college student who just can’t get it together? Maybe they struggle to “reach

What Makes Your Child Special Questionnaire

December 4, 2015 - No Comments

Here is a model of the questionnaire.
_____  adaptability
_____  affection
_____  assertiveness
_____  cleanliness
_____  compassion/ supportive/kindness

What Makes Your Child Special?

December 4, 2015 - No Comments

(During the initial interview with Dr. Randy Kulman you will be asked questions about the difficulties your child is experiencing. 

Books for Professionals, Parents, and Kids to Find Strategies to Improve Executive Functions

December 2, 2015 - No Comments

(This is a comprehensive list of books about executive functions, learning, technology, and brain training. Many of them are primarily