Bibliographies / Booklists

The following bibliographies feature lists of books for parents and kids on ADHD, ASD, Executive Functions and many other topics used in compiling the information presented on this site. Please click the icon to the right of each topic for a printer-friendly pdf file.

Booklists for Parents & Kids
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ADHD (Books for Children)
ADHD (Books for Adults)
ADHD (Books Written for Children and Teens)
Anxiety (Books for Children)
Autism and Asperger’s (Books for Children and Teens)
Autism and Asperger’s (Books for Children)
Behavior Management (Books for Parents)
Executive Functions and Brain Training
Executive Functions
Family Stress and Changes
Learning Disorders (Books for Children)
Learning Disorders (Books for Parents)
Mood Disorders (Books for Children)
Mood Disorders and Depression
Multiple Intelligences
Psychotherapy, Medication, and Alternate Treatments
Sensory, Auto, Motor, and Language Issues
School, Learning, and Homework Issues
Sleep Issues
Social Concerns