Category Archives - Psychological Health

Last Updated June 14, 2018

Websites and Resources for Kids on Anxiety

April 1, 2016 - No Comments

Many kids and teens have become experts on using the Internet to search for information and frequently need to use

Resources for Mindfulness, Meditation, Relaxation, and Yoga For Kids and Teens

February 23, 2016 - No Comments

If you are a teenager and stressed, it will be helpful for you to understand how to relax and

The Importance of Behavioral Observations in a Neuropsychological Evaluation

February 21, 2016 - No Comments

One of the most important tasks for a child psychologist is to be an astute observer. Observation of a child

Resources for Teens and Tweens – Executive Functions

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Do you find it hard to stay organized or feel that you just don’t get things done? Does it seem

ADHD Resources for Parents

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

There is an overwhelming number of ADHD resources for parents available through the Internet, magazines, educators, and healthcare providers. Many

ADHD Websites for Kids and Teens

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Kids and teens who are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often have many questions about what ADHD means.

What is Anxiety in Children?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Anxiety is a common and natural human response to situations that are threatening. However, it can become problematic when it

The Best ADHD Videos

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Many kids have figured out that one of the best ways for them to learn about their world is by

What is Depression in Children?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Depression is one of the most common psychiatric difficulties experienced by children.  While most children and adults sometimes feel sad

What are Adaptive Skills?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Adaptive skills and behavior describe the way that people meet their basic needs for self-care, decision making, communication, and learning.

What Are Phonological-Awareness Skills?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

Phonological-awareness skills help a child to distinguish letter sounds, hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words, and understand that spoken

What Does the Working-Memory Index Measure?

January 14, 2016 - No Comments

At its core, the working memory index measures a child’s ability to hold verbal and visual information in mind and