For Kids and Tweens
Guided Imagery: A video that provides relaxing music to provide progressive relaxation for children with Autism and Aspergers. For tweens and teens.
Boy with High Functioning Autism Talks About His Day: A fun video with a dad interviewing his child about autism. For tweens and teens.
Explaining Autism to Children- ASD and Me: An animated video explaining what autism is for children to understand. For kids and tweens.
For Teens
Subtle Signs of Autism: Ages 0-7: A video that follows a young child and informs about subtle signs of autism. For teens and adults.
7 Early Signs of Autism: A video about the early signs of autism. For teens and adults.
BBC- My Autism and Me: A video that explains what autism is from a child’s point of view. For tweens, teens and adults.
Life with Autism: In their own words- A video on how autism affects individuals in their own words. For teens and adults.
For Adults
Temple Grandin: Answers: A video of Temple Grandin on answering questions about autism. For adults.
Severe Autistic Behaviors: A video that provides an example of what severe autism is. For adults.
The iPad is a Game Changer for Children With Autism: A video that explains how the iPad can be beneficial for children diagnosed with autism. For parents.
Overview of Various Treatments for Autism: Look at this along with a great set of videos from ‘Interacting with Autism’ that show treatment options. For parents.
Autism Mothers- The Final Cut: A great campaign designed to bring mothers of children with Autism together. A highly entertaining and inspirational video for parents of children with Autism.
Visit the South County Child & Family Consultants website for more great articles!
Photo Credits: “iPad magic” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by robynejay
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