Resources on Cognitive Flexibility For Parents

By Emily DiPalma on Tuesday, May 28, 2019
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Cognitive Flexibility is a thinking skill that centers on a person’s ability to be adaptable, improvise, and shift approaches to meet different challenges. Included in this list of resources are multiple tools, articles, and strategies that you can use to strengthen your child’s cognitive flexibility.

Our team of neuropsychologists, school psychologists, and psychology students at South County Child and Family Consultants are committed to searching the Internet and beyond to find reputable, informative, and practical tools to help parents, children, and teens improve Cognitive Flexibility. We look for the best information online to help kids diagnosed with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Executive Functioning Difficulties, struggles with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, Autism, Depression, and Anxiety and provide you with information about how neuropsychological evaluations can help target concerns with Cognitive Flexibility. Come back regularly, as the links are updated frequently.


Zones of Regulation 
This article describes the potential benefits of using Zones of Regulation with your children. By using Zones of Regulation, we develop skills that can be used to control our feelings. Make sure you also use the “Self-Regulation” link!

This article is a great resource if you are looking to assess your children’s self-regulation skills. They list strategies that you can use to improve cognitive flexibility. The best part is that you can use each strategy with materials you already have at home!

Ways to Help Develop Cognitive Flexibility 
This article lists tips and strategies that you can implement in your child’s everyday routine that will help improve their cognitive flexibility. Some strategies mentioned include playing outside and engaging with your child’s active imagination. Click on the link to see how these fun and simple additions to your day can make a huge difference!

5 Ways to Improve Intelligence 
This article provides strategies that you can use to improve your child’s cognitive flexibility and thinking skills. Unlike previous articles, this resource focuses on long term changes that you can make to help improve your/their habits. Click on the link to learn more!

Ways to Build Your Child’s Working Memory Skills
This article lists 5 strategies that can help you improve your child’s thinking skills. One helpful strategy is the use of lists. They also recommend helping your child understand the relationship between memory skills and their performance in school. Check out this post to learn more!


LearningWorks for Kids 
You can now visit the LearningWorks for Kids Pinterest page! Here you will find games and apps that your children will love to play while working to improve a variety of skills. These games can be found on the LearningWorks for Kids website as well. Click on the link to learn more!

Game Ideas 
This post gives parents game and activity ideas that they can use with their children to improve cognitive flexibility. Included in the list are games like Scrabble, Jenga, and Pictionary. You can help improve your child’s cognitive skills all while having fun! 

Boosting Cognitive Abilities 
This link leads you to an article that describes the skills that make up our cognitive abilities. Here you will find a list of resources that will help you better understand your child’s cognitive flexibility and what you can do to help improve it. 

Introducing Cognitive Flexibility to Children 
This post will walk you through a project that you can do with your children. This activity will help you introduce the concept of cognitive flexibility to your child in an interactive, fun, and creative way!


LearningWorks For Kids 
This Facebook page posts current information and research on topics that include cognitive flexibility. LearningWorks for Kids is dedicated to teaching parents how to mentor their children through the digital world, helping them become stronger at school, develop into safer digital citizens, and more confident, capable kids.

Executive Functioning Toolbox 
This Facebook page posts information about executive functioning and cognitive flexibility. As a result, they post strategies that can be used to improve both of these skills. Check out this link to learn more!

National Institute of Mental Health 
The National Institute of Mental Health has resources available through their Facebook page and their website. Not all of their posts focus on cognitive flexibility. However, there are many great articles that may be of interest to you! 

Executive Function Success 
This page helps children develop and strengthen their cognitive flexibility. Their suggestions are based on research and strategies that have helped improve this thinking skill. The goal is to help you improve your children’s time management, planning, and organization skills. Click the link to learn more about this organization!

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