Category Archives - News & Articles from South County Child & Family Consultants

Last Updated June 2, 2022

4 Extremely Helpful Podcast Episodes About Executive Functions For Parents

May 17, 2022 - No Comments

One of the best ways to improve executive functioning skills in your child is to learn what other parents

4 Interesting Videos for Parents About Improving Children’s Executive Functioning Skills By Professionals

May 12, 2022 - No Comments

Parents looking for guidance when it comes to improving their children’s executive functioning skills may be overwhelmed by all of

5 Highly Informative Pinterest Boards About Executive Functioning Skills By Professionals

May 3, 2022 - No Comments

It is a common misconception that Pinterest boards about children are only created by parents sharing their own experiences.

5 Highly Informative Pinterest Boards About Executive Functioning Skills By Parents

April 28, 2022 - No Comments

One of the best ways to improve your child’s executive functioning skills is to learn what other parents are doing.

What Does The Verbal Comprehension Index Measure?

April 21, 2022 - No Comments

For kids who are struggling in school, seem to be not reaching their potential, are frustrated with learning, are

What Does The Verbal Comprehension Index on The WISC-V Mean?

April 11, 2022 - No Comments

Does your child struggle with problem solving? Do they have a hard time expressing their thoughts verbally? Or does

How Does Diet Affect Kids With ADHD?

February 9, 2021 - No Comments

Years ago, there was a prevailing theory that ADHD was caused by diet. Many parents subscribed to the Feingold diet

Videos for Teens and College Students About Slow Processing Speed

January 7, 2021 - No Comments

Many teens and college students struggle to keep up with the pace of taking notes or finishing their homework on

How to Explain Slow Processing Speed to Kids

January 5, 2021 - No Comments

Slow processing speed is a complex topic, and even the experts – psychologists, neuroscientists, and neurologists – do not fully

Help Your Teenager Understand Slow Processing Speed

December 29, 2020 - No Comments

Slow processing speed is often a mystery to parents and teachers who observe a capable teenager who can’t seem to

Videos on Anxiety for Parents and Kids

December 22, 2020 - No Comments

Both parents and kids who want to learn more about anxiety may find that watching videos is the best way

Resources on Anxiety for Parents

December 17, 2020 - No Comments

A significant number of parents are likely wondering if their child has anxiety as it is becomes a more common