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Understanding the WISC-V Verbal Comprehension Index: A method to understanding your child’s struggles with verbal expression.

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Does your child struggle with problem-solving or verbal expression?  Or do they have difficulty recalling

How to Learn More About Your Child’s Screen Time Use: Participate in the Aura study

download this as a PDFHow to Learn More About Your Child’s Screen Time Use
Participate in the Aura study

Understanding ADHD and Executive Functioning Skills

download this as a PDFMany leading experts in the field of ADHD propose that the current diagnostic classifications—which include ADHD

Harnessing the Power of Games and Technology for Kids with ADHD

download this as a PDFAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity,

Five Essential Tips for Explaining ADHD to Your Child

download this as a PDFOlivia’s parents recently took her to a doctor of neuropsychology, who diagnosed her with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Parenting Resources for Executive Function Support: Addressing ADHD and Beyond

download this as a PDFExecutive functions are essential mental skills managed by the prefrontal cortex, a key area of the

10 Audiobooks and Podcasts for Parenting Screen Time

download this as a PDFIn this digital age, it’s easy to become overly attached to our screens. Children are deeply

Trusted Techniques for Children Struggling with Order and Focus

download this as a PDFThe recent shift in daily life has presented unique challenges and opportunities for parents and their

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